A number of well illustrated books
have been published by the ARHS from time to time,
featuring major locomotive classes, selected branch line operations and other preservation
These publications have been updated and complemented in recent years by publications
issued by the National Railway Museum
Click ![[IMAGE]](logos/click-here.gif) to see a full listing.
A specially selected set of over 120 representative historical images directly related to the
Victor Harbor line can be downloaded from this page.
They date from 1850 to 1950 and picture stations, rolling stock, track and special events.
Some are archived on SteamRanger's website server and others are accessed through clickable
hyperlinks to the State Library of South Australia's Mortlock Library.
Click on the subject headings below to access the images
Mt Barker Depot 1997-2001 - the first 6 years
SteamRanger's loco and rolling stock depot,
built on the site of the disused goods yard at Mt Barker station,
became fully operational in 1997 following transfer of our activities from Dry Creek.
In its first six years the depot facilities were steadily expanded
and major restoration tasks were then able to be completed,
including bringing loco Rx207 and loco 621 back to operational service
This portfolio of some 250 images chronicalling the contributions of both our paid staff and volunteers
illustrates the diverse range of activities conducted in and around the depot in the period from 1996 to 2001.
![[IMAGE]](logos/click-here.gif) to view the portfolio