Images identified with a
are provided in low resolution directly from the SteamRanger server site.
Click the box to display the image.
Most are selected from books or periodical articles published by the ARHS. They are identified by the book or article title
Permission to commercially reproduce these images or download higher resolution images should be sought from the publisher as follows;
South Coast Limited,
The Recorder,
50 Years of ARHS,
ARHS Collection
ARHS SA Divn PO Box 16, Melrose Park, 5039
Australian Railway History,
Railway Digest,
The Bulletin
67 Renwick St,
Redfern, 2016
A History of the South Australian Railways
(R. Stewien)
ARHS Victorian Division,
PO Box 5177 GPO
Melbourne, 3001
or as indicated on the webpage displaying the image
Some images have been supplied by the National Railway Museum and are identified with their reference number, for example "NRM AN23141"
Permission for use of these images or access to higher resolution copies should be sought from the museum via their website ""
In some cases the photographer or image source is not known.
Images identified with a
are not archived on the SteamRanger internet server but are accessed directly from the State Library of South Australia's (SLSA) Mortlock Library pictorial collection. Click the logo to see a preview image and catalog details on the SLSA website.
Most images are copyrighted by the photographer and/or publisher of the hardcopy document where they are found. Specific copyright conditions for images held by the SLSA are displayed on their website.
Click on your browser's

button to subsequently
return to this page from the SLSA site.
A very extensive range of South Australian railway images is held by the National Railway
at Port Dock, Port Adelaide
Research assistance can be obtained as indicated on their website at